Headshot of Dr. Dewey

Congratulations to Dr. Dewy for being awarded the 2024-2025 UCD Emeriti/Emeritae Association’s Distinguished Emerita Award

Dr. Dewy has been awarded the 2024-2025 UCD Emeriti/Emeritae Association’s Distinguished Emerita Award. This annual award honors outstanding scholarly work and/or University or professional service performed by a UC Davis Senate emeritus or emerita since their retirement.

Professor Emerita Kathryn Dewy retired in 2018. Since then she has produced several important meta-analyses in her field on the effects of lipid supplements in maternal and infant nutrition. In addition to this, she has focused on the application of her research to national and international public policy, not simply participating in panels, but significantly directing their efforts.

Her accomplishments include shaping the strategies employed for cost-effective impacts on global nutrition efforts directed by the World Bank group, her work on multiple WHO Guideline Development Groups, including those on complementary feeding and the prevention and treatment of wasting in children, and her roles on numerous other advisory committees, including the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), and the Micronutrient Forum. Her work as a UCD Professor Emerita bridges the gap between nutrition research and practice, ensuring that nutrition interventions are both evidence-based and scalable.



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