Position Title
Distinguished Senior Lecturer Emerita
- Ph.D., University of California, Davis
Research Interests
Dr. Liz Applegate, a nationally renowned expert on nutrition and fitness, is a faculty member of the Nutrition Department and has served as the Director of Sports Nutrition at the University of California, Davis. Her enthusiasm and informal style made her undergraduate nutrition classes the nation’s largest with enrollments exceeding 2500 annually. Dr. Applegate developed a fully online NUT10 course for use at all University of California campuses. She has received the Excellence in Education Award, the Excellence in Teaching Award, Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award, the Distinguished Scholarly Public Service Award from the University of California, and the 2016 United States Department of Agriculture Food and Agriculture Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award.
Dr. Applegate is the author of several books including: Nutrition Basics for Better Health and Performance (3rd Ed. Kendall Hunt 2011), Bounce Your Body Beautiful (Three Rivers Press, 2003), Encyclopedia of Sports and Fitness Nutrition (Three Rivers Press, 2002), and Eat Smart Play Hard (Rodale Press, June 2001). She has written over 400 articles for national magazines and is on the editorial board of the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. She is a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine and a member of the Sports and Cardiovascular Nutritionists, a practice group of the American Dietetics Association. She provides nutrition consultation for collegiate and professional athletes as well as food companies and frequently serves as a keynote speaker at industry, athletic and scientific meetings.
In addition to her university duties, Dr. Applegate wrote the popular "Fridge Wisdom" nutrition column for Runner’s World Magazine for the past 31 years.
She appears on international, national and local radio and television shows including: The CBS Early Show, Good Morning America, Discovery Channel, CNN and ESPN.
She is often quoted in national print media outlets, such as: Better Homes and Gardens, Bicycling, Fitness, Glamour, The Los Angeles Times, Men’s Health, Real Simple, Shape, Teen Vogue, Vogue, USA Today and The Washington Post.
Dr. Applegate’s enthusiasm for all things nutrition, community service and education of students one step further by establishing two internship opportunities for Nutrition students here at UC Davis:
- The Team Davis Good Foods Garden Internship in association with Team Davis affords interns an opportunity working with developmentally disabled adolescents and adults promoting healthy eating and nutrition education in the classroom and garden. (Typically offered winter and spring quarters)
- The Sports Nutrition Internship in association with Intercollegiate Athletics gives interns an opportunity to develop sports nutritional educational materials (handouts, menu plans, posters, Dining Common tours, videos, etc.) and participating in presentations to Intercollegiate Athletic teams at UC Davis. (Typically offered winter quarter)
View Dr. Applegate's full curriculum vitae
Selected Publications
Miller, L., Beckett, L., Bergman, J., Wilson, M., Applegate, E., Gibson, T., Journal of Medical Internet Research, Developing Nutrition Label Reading Skills: A Web-Based Practice Approach. J Med Internet Res. 2017 Jan; 19(1): e16. [PubMed]
Miller, L., Casady, D., Applegate, E., Beckett, L., Gibson, T., Wilson, Ellwood, K., Relationships among Food Label Use, Motivation, and Dietary Quality; Nutritients 2015 7(2), doi: 10.3390/nu7021068, February 5, 2015. [PubMed]
Miller, L., Casady, D., Applegate, E., Beckett, L., Gibson, T., Wilson, DeSouza, K., Carlisle, K., Use of Nutrition on Food Labels by Middle-Aged and Older Adults; Gernotological Society of America, GSA 2014 Annual Scientific Meeting, March 3, 2014.
Too, B., Cicai, S., Hockett, K., Applegate, E., FACSM, Davis, B., FACSM, Casazza, G., Effects Of Natural Versus Commercial Product On Running Performance And Gastrointestinal Tolerance; Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Volume 44, Number 5, May 2012, p. S423. [PubMed]
Miller, L., Gibson, T., Applegate E., de Dios, J., Mechanisms Underlying Comprehension of Health Information in Adulthood: The Roles of Prior Knowledge and Working Memory Capacity; Journal of Health Psychology, Volume 16, Number 5, 2011, p. 794-806, 2011. [PubMed]
Miller, L., Gibson, T., Applegate. E, Predictors of Nutrition Information Comprehension in Adulthood; Patient Education and Counseling Issue 80, 2010,p. 107-112, 2010. [PubMed]
Skillen, R., Testa, M., Applegate, E.A., FACSM, Heiden, E., Fascetti, A., Casazza,G Effects of an Amino Acid-Carbohydrate Drink on Exercise Performance After Consecutive-Day Exercise Bouts, International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, Volume 18, Number 5, October 2008, p. 473, 2008.
Campbell, C., Prince, D., Braun, M., Applegate, E.A., FACSM, Casazza, G. A. Carboyhdrate-Supplement From and Exercise Performance, International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, Volume 18, Number 2, April 2008, p. 179 [PubMed]
Applegate, E.A. Introduction: Nutritional and Functional Roles of Eggs in the Diet. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 2000;19(5):495S-498S. [PubMed]
Applegate, E.A. Effective nutritional ergogenic aids. International Journal of Sports Nutrition. 1999;9 (2): 229-239. [PubMed]
Applegate, E.A., Baumgartner, B., Clarkson, P.M., Grivetti, L.E., Haislett, N., McDonald, R.B., Mills, B. and A. Oerter. Gold medal roundtable: Athlete Presentations, Audience Questions, and Summary Statements. Symposium: Nutrition and Physical Performance: A Century of Progress and Tribute to the Modern Olympic Movement. Journal of Nutrition. 1997;127:886S-892S. [PubMed]
Applegate, E.A. and L.E. Grivetti. Search for the competitive edge. A history of dietary fads and supplements. Symposium: Nutrition and Physical Performance: A Century of Progress and Tribute to the Modern Olympic Movement. Journal of Nutrition. 1997;127:869S-873S. [PubMed]
Grivetti, L.E. and E.A. Applegate. From Olympia to Atlanta: A Cultural-historical Perspective on Diet and Athletic Training. Symposium: Nutrition and Physical Performance: A Century of Progress and Tribute to the Modern Olympic Movement. Journal of Nutrition. 1997;127:860S-868S.) [PubMed]
Applegate, E.A., Clarkson, P.M., Grandjean, A.C., Grivetti, L., McDonald, R.B., and C.M. Tipton. Introduction. Sympsium: Nutrition and Physical Performance: A Century of Progress and Tribute to the Modern Olympic Movement. Journal of Nutrition. 1997;127:857S-859S.
Grivetti, L.E., Applegate, E.A., Clarkson, P.M., Grandjean, A.C., McDonald, R.B. and C.M. Tipton. From ancient Olympia to modern Atlanta. Celebration of the Olympic Centennial. Nutrition Today. 1996;31(6):241-249.
Applegate, L.A., L. Camplen, K.L. Olin, J.B. German, H.H. Schmitz and C.L. Keen. Influence of an antioxidant nutrient fortified food product and strenuous exercise on antioxidant enzyme systems. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 1996;28(5): S30.
Camplen, L.M., K.L. Olin, H.H. Schmitz, L.A. Applegate, J.B. German, J.D. Shaffrath, C. Emenhiser, S.J. Schwartz and C.L. Keen. An antioxidant-fortified energy bar can reduce exercise induced oxidative stress. FASEB, 1996;10:A477.
Holly, R.G., FACSM, D.J. Orber, L. Applegate, N. Rifai, and E.A. Amsterdam. Favorably altered lipoproteins in coronary patients with persistently elevated serum cholesterol and a healthy diet. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 1991;23:530.
Applegate, E.A. Nutritional considerations for the ultraendurance athlete. International Journal of Sport Nutrition, 1991;1:118-126. [PubMed]
Uriu-Hare, J.Y., C.L. Keen, E.A. Applegate and J.S. Stern. The influence of moderate exercise in diabetic and normal pregnancy on maternal and fetal outcome in the rat. Life Sciences, 1989;45:647. [PubMed]
O'Toole, M.L., H. Iwane, P.S. Douglas, E.A. Applegate and W.D.B. Hiller. Estimates of iron sufficiency in ultraendurance triathletes. The Physician and Sportsmedicine, 1989.
O'Toole, M.L., H. Iwane, P.S. Douglas, E.A. Applegate and W.D.B. Hiller. Estimates of iron sufficiency in ultraendurance triathletes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 1989;21:78.
Applegate, E.A., M.L. O'Toole, and W.D.B. Hiller. Race day dietary intakes during an ultraendurance triathlon. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 1989;21:48.
Applegate, E.A. Nutritional concerns of the ultraendurance athlete. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 1989;21:205. [PubMed]
Runner’s World Articles 2015-2016
Applegate, L. A Fresh Way To Lose, Runner’s World, January/February 2015,pp. 46-47.
Applegate, L. Zest For Life, Runner’s World, March 2015, pp. 48.
Applegate, L. Secret Ingredients, Runner’s World, April 2015, pp. 52-53.
Applegate, L. Herb Appeal, Runner’s World, May 2015, pp. 52.
Applegate, L. Real Sweet, Runner’s World, June 2015, pp. 52-53.
Applegate, L. Trippy Dips, Runner’s World, July 2015, pp. 48.
Applegate, L. Splendor In The Glass, Runner’s World, August 2015, pp. 52-53.
Applegate, L. Up And Eat ‘Em, Runner’s World, September 2015, pp. 50.
Applegate, L. News You Can Consume, Runner’s World, October 2015, pp. 50.
Applegate, L. Growth Spurt, Runner’s World, November 2015, pp. 56.
Applegate, L. Fridge Wisdom, Runner’s World, December 2015, pp. 46.
Applegate, L. Seasonal Superfoods, Fridge Wisdom, Runner’s World, December 2015,pp. 46.
Applegate, L. Plant Power, Fridge Wisdom, Runner’s World, March 2016, pp. 44.
Applegate, L. Essential Lentils, Fridge Wisdom, Runner’s World, April 2016, pp. 52
Applegate, L. How to Blend a Perfect Smoothie, Food for Thought, The Field Guide, Spring and Summer 2016, pg. 8
Applegate, L. Mediterranean Eats, The Field Guide, Spring and Summer 2016, pg. 14-21.
Applegate, L. Trail Blazin!, , The Field Guide, Spring and Summer 2016, pg. 52-53
Applegate, L. Ask Me Another, Fridge Wisdom, Runner’s World, May 2016, pp. 50
Applegate, L. A Van and a Plan, Fridge Wisdom, Runner’s World, June 2016, pp.52